Representing Injury Victims in Georgia Since 1995-
Workers Compensation FAQ
What Is It?
Workers’ compensation is an accident insurance program paid by your employer which may provide you with medical, rehabilitation and income benefits if you are injured on the job. These benefits are provided to help you return to work. It also provides benefits to your dependents if you die as a result of a job-related injury.
How Long Do I Have to Work to be Covered Under Workers' Compensation?
You are covered from the first day on your job.
How do I Know if the Company I Work for is Covered by Workers' Compensation?
The law requires any business with three or more workers, including regular part-time workers, to have workers’ compensation insurance.
The Workers’ Compensation Act defines the responsibility of the employer to provide prompt medical and disability benefits for injuries sustained on the job by workers, resulting in partial or total incapacity or death. In return, the employer is shielded from tort liability for these injuries.
Every employer, individual, firm, association, or corporation, regularly employing three or more persons, part-time or full time, shall provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Exempted officers of corporations or exempted members of limited liability companies shall not reduce the number of employees for this purpose.